I am in my hotel in Vegas and I need a file that is residing on my office server. I log to the Internet, I log to my Gmail account, I see the email with my current WAN IP.

I copy IP number, and paste it to the Browser (I.E.) address bar. If set correctly I would see the files that are on my home server and would be able to download the file of my choice.

Option 3 - Dynamic DNS Service.

You do not want to be bothered with the above email process, and or you would like to make your Computer/Server/Network to be available through the Internet.

Use a DNS Service.
DNS= Domain Name Servers are Data Bases spread all over the Internet telling the system what is the current address of the server that you are Trying to reach.
The DNS services would provide you with personal service to Route your Dynamic address to a permanent presence on the Internet.
These services (some of them are Free) will provide you with a small Client program that should be installed on your server computer. This program will detect changes in your WAN IP and would automatically send the current External IP to the DNS Service.
When someone wants to connect to your server and use your Internet address they actually connect to your permanent personal address with the DNS service, and the service redirect the traffic to your current IP of your Internet connection.
Example: I subscribed to the Free DNS service myip.us as 'jack'. My assigned Internet address would be http://jack.myip.us (notice no www since jack is sub domain of www.myip.us).
Given this setting my Home Server can be reached from every place on the Internet by typing into the Browser Address Bar: http://jack.myip.us Wolf responsive form maker 2 37 12 5.
Here is a list of most free (and for pay) DNS Services.

The important aspects of the table in the link bellow are the first two columns.

Link to: List of DNS Services.

Column 1 - Sub Domains. It means that you do not have to buy any Internet Domain (as an example www.ezlan.net is a name of a domain). Your Domain becomes a sub domain of the service.
Example: If you subscribe to the DNS service www.myip.us as 'jack' your Internet address would be http://jack.myip.us (notice no www since it is sub domain of www.myip.us).
Column 2 - Custom Domain. The DNS service might be free but it requires you to buy a Domain before you start to use the service. The cost of a Domain is about $7-$15 per year.
When using Custom Domain, the DNS service will provide the redirection service but your Internet address will be your domain. I.e. if you bought the Domain www.jack.com any one who types www.jack.com into their browser will be Routed to your Server.

If you buy a Domain make sure that it is actually yours and that you can host the domain on any server of your choice.
Some inexpensive domain vendors make their income from insisting that your Web Site has to be on their fee for service Hosting system and you have to pay Extra if you move your Web Site to be Hosted by another vendor.
Sketchup make 17 2 2554.

Do not buy a Domain that does not provide you with On Line Domain Controller.
If there is No online Domain Controller you are at the merci of the support practice of the Domain Vendor.
What is a Domain Controller?
It is a link to a page in the site of your Domain Vendor that allows you (with an adequate password) to control on line all the aspects involving your domain
Including, Ownership, Hosting DNS, etc.
Since it is available Online you do not need to contact the vendor's support system to make changes to your domain settings.
Check your contract with your ISP running certain type of servers might be a violation of you Term of Service (TOS).

Copyright © 2001-2007 EZLAN.NET. All Rights Reserved.

Although you may not know it, but you have two IP addresses, an Internal IP address (Private ) and an external IP address (Public).
Why do you need two IP addresses and what is the difference between an Internal and external IP address?

What Is an External IP Address?

The external IP address or Public IP address is the IP address of the router interface that is connected to the Internet.

Myip 1 1 – Access Internal And External Ip Addresses By Name

Here is a diagram to illustrate the IP address allocation on a typical home or small business network.
A router will typically have two network interfaces.
Each of these interfaces will have an IP address. The IP address assigned to the external Interface will have a routable IP address and will be assigned by your ISP.
This address is also known as the public address.
Public address ranges are assigned to ISPs by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA.
On Home office networks that use a NAT router the internal IP addresses use a special IP address range.
NAT allows thousands of computers on an internal network access the Internet using a single external IP address.
Cisdem pdf converter ocr 7 5 0 6. This address range is specifically reserved for internal addresses and the IP addresses will not be forwarded by routers on the Internet.
Internal Addresses are also called Private addresses as they are restricted to private networks.
All of the devices on my home network have addresses like 192.168.1.x but externally they have the address
Home networks usually use addresses in the .192.168.0.* or .192.168.1.* address range.
The network address range is a designated non route-ableprivate network address.
However they are not the only non route-able private address ranges that you can use. Others address ranges that can be used are:
See wiki private networks for more details
Note: You may want to read the IP4 Addresses and classes tutorial if you are unfamiliar with network addresses.

Finding Your External (Public) and Internal (Private) IP Addresses

To find your external IP address do a search for your IP address in Google then you will probably see a screen like this
Google shows an IP address:
This is your external IP address.
Now open a command line and type:
You should see something like this:
This time your IP address is
This is your Internal IP address.
The internal IP address, is used on your local internal network and the external IP address is used when communicating with machines on the Internet.

Allowing Access from The Internet To Your Network

Because of the NAT router there is no direct connection between the Internet, and a computer on the local network.
All communication between your Internal network and the Internet must be initiated by a device on your Internal network.
Generally this isn’t a problem, and is a security advantage.
However online gamers, and those who would like to host a website or other services on their own network will need to allow external devices on the Internet to access them.
To accomplish this NAT routers can be configured to use a technique called port forwarding.
Port forwarding allows an internal device to to appear to have an external IP address, and allows incoming connections from the Internet.


Home and business networks use private or internal addresses from a reserved non route-able address range.
On Home and Small Office networks a NAT router connects the internal network to the Internet using a single route-able external or public IP address assigned by the ISP from it’s allocated address block.
The NAT router allows connections to be established only from the internal network to the external network and not vice-versa unless techniques like port forwarding are employed.

Common Questions and Answers

Q- My External IP Address Keeps Changing. Is this normal? Can I stop it?

A- Most ISPs will allocate dynamic IP addresses to their customers. This Address will become the External IP address assigned to your router, and hence it could change.
This is a screenshot showing how my own external IP address has changed over a month.
Some ISPs will allow you to have a static IP address but usually at a premium ( Business broadband)
Static IP addresses do not change.

My Internal And External Ip Address

If you intend providing access to your network from the Internet, then you really need a static external IP address.
However an alternative for home and small business networks is to use a dynamic DNS service.
A dynamic DNS service doesn’t stop the external address from changing, but instead it tracks these changes automatically and updates the DNS records automatically when the IP address changes.


For those who prefer video then I’ve create a video on YouTube that covers the main points above.

Common Questions and Answers

Q- Can You Use an internal IP address on the Internet?

A-No – The internal IP address ranges discussed above are blocked by Internet routers.

Q- How does a message reach an Internal IP Address from an external one?

A- This is done using a translation table on the NAT router, and is covered in understanding port forwarding.

Q- Does in make any difference if I use the 10. IP address range and not the address range.

A –No none at all. However most home routers are preset to use the 192.168 address range.

Q- Who assigns my external IP (Public) address?

A- It is assigned by your ISP.

Q- How do I know if my External Address has changed?

A- You will need to check it using the technique shown earlier.

Q- Can I change my External IP Address?

A- No
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